Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Crooked Teeth Leave a Negative First Impression (COSMETIC)

Source : Best General Dentist

An AC Neilsen survey in Australia revealed that 82% of respondents believe straight teeth and a nice smile are important for self esteem and 81% think this makes a person more attractive.  With a similar survey conducted in the USA revealing people with straight teeth are often viewed as more attractive and confident.

Further, almost three quarters (72%) of the survey respondents agree that people with healthy straight teeth are typically treated better in social situations than those with noticeably crooked teeth.

  The study also indicated that despite societal pressures to be thin,   adults believe straightening crooked teeth would improve a person's appearance as much as losing those extra ten pounds. In fact, among survey respondents, men were even more likely than women (50% versus 44%) to select "straightening crooked teeth" over "losing those 10 extra pounds" as a means for improving attractiveness.

Since traditional metal braces are not always a desirable option for adults with active lifestyles who want to straighten their teeth. The ordeal of dealing with wearing braces for up to two years has turned over 730 000 people to Invisalign.

Invisalign is a virtually undetectable, easy-to-use, removable, comfortable and hygienic system used for used forimprovements such as crowding or excess spacing of teeth, or to treat more complex cases such as overbites, underbites and even crossbites.

Invisalign uses a series of clear, plastic, removable appliances (‘Aligners’) that gently move teeth to desired final positions. Invisalign significantly reduces hygienic and aesthetic limitations associated with braces. Cutting-edge three dimensional computer graphics, the Internet and patented software is used to manufacture individual Invisalign Aligners for each patient. . Patients wear each set of aligners for approximately two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series. Treatment duration varies from patient to patient, however, is typically between six months to fourteen months.

As a revolutionary alternative to traditional braces, the Key benefits of Invisalign are that:
  • It is virtually invisible. No one will know you are in treatment and you can smile during as well as after treatment.
  • Patients can remove the Aligners for meals and special events.
  • Aligners can be removed so teeth can be easily brushed and flossed, promoting healthy teeth and preventing gum disease.
  • There is no metal to cause abrasion in the mouth or gum and tongue infections.
  • Fewer visits to dentists or orthodontists are required than with braces.
  • Patients can view their own virtual treatment plan when they start on a computer screen, enabling them to see how their teeth will look on completion of the treatment.

For further information on Invisalign; the treatment, determining if Invisalign is right for you contact……BEST INVISALIGN DENTIST @ Holistic Dental

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